Poster guidelines
- Posters should be no larger than 36″(H) x 48″(W), or 91 cm (H) x 122 cm (W).
- The presentation must cover the material indicated in the accepted abstract.
- Place the title of your paper at the top of the poster to allow viewers to identify your paper. Indicate the abstract’s title and authors’ names.
- Highlight the authors’ names, e-mails, and address information in case the viewer is interested in contacting you for more information.
- Prepare all diagrams or charts neatly and legibly beforehand in a size sufficient to be read at a distance of 6 feet. Paragraph and figure caption text should be AT LEAST 24-point font and headers AT LEAST 36 point font (1.2 cm height).
- Use different colors and textures/symbols for each line or bar contained in your graph or chart.
- A serif font (e.g., Times) is often easier for reading body text, and a non-serif font (e.g., Arial or Helvetica) for headers and figure labels.
- Organize the poster so that it is self explanatory. You have complete freedom in displaying your information in figures, tables, text, and photographs.
- Include the background information, followed by results and conclusions. Please DO NOT laminate your poster to ensure that it can be recycled.
- Audio/Visual equipment is not provided for poster sessions.
Speaker guidelines
Audio/visual & equipment available
All oral session meeting rooms are equipped with the following audiovisual equipment:
- LCD projector
- Computer (Windows-based laptop)
- Screen
- Laser pointer
Technical information
- Microsoft PowerPoint is the recommended format for slides.
- Bring a copy of your presentation on a USB drive.
- We advise against relying on an internet connection for any critical aspects of a presentation.
- We recommend you bring at least two copies of your presentation to the meeting.
Macintosh users: Microsoft PowerPoint 2011 or earlier, Acrobat PDF X. When choosing fonts for your presentation, notice that the first item on the Font menu is Font Collections. In the Font Collections, please use the fonts you find on the Windows Office Compatible sub-menu and you’ll have no trouble with PowerPoint 2013 for Windows.
Screen sizes
- Ballroom and Ponderosa Room: 6’7” by 11’8”
- Aspen and Spruce Rooms: 5’5” by 9’8”
- Flagstaff Room: 8’ by 8’
Speaker ready room
Checking in at the Speaker Ready Room is the most important step you will take to ensure your presentation is a success. The Speaker Ready Room will be in set up at the conference facility and A/V personnel will be available to assist you. All speakers are required to check into the Speaker Ready Room the day before their presentations.
When checking in, please bring a copy of your presentation on a USB storage device to load to a conference computer. When reviewing your presentation, make sure all fonts appear as expected and all audio/video clips are working properly. You may edit your presentation at this time. When you are finished reviewing your presentation and verifying it is ready, A/V personnel will copy your presentation and ensure that it is transferred to the appropriate session moderator and room.
When the presentation is to be given, the file will be loaded on the computer in the room in which you will be speaking. Once the presentation has started, the speaker will control the program using a computer mouse. At the end of the meeting, all files will be destroyed.
Presentation suggestions
- Be considerate of other speakers and the audience by staying within your allotted time. Contributed session speakers have 15 minutes for their presentations, including questions, so conference organizers suggest 12 minutes for your talk and 3 minutes for questions. Session moderators will hold you to the allotted time. This is essential to ensure adequate time for questions and discussion as well as adherence to the schedule.
- Please discuss the material reported in the abstract.
- Give an opening statement to acquaint the audience with the nature and purpose of the study. Speak slowly and clearly. Word choice should be simple: use active words and short sentences. An introductory and a concluding graphic can greatly improve the focus of your talk.
- As a general rule, use one graphic for each 1 or 2 minutes of presentation time.
- Presentations are most readable on a dark background (blue, for example) and bright lettering (yellow or white). Avoid using small fonts that will be illegible from the back of the room, and break up a complex slide into a series of slides.
- Devote each graphic to a single fact, idea, or finding. Illustrate major points or trends, not detailed data.
- Avoid long or complicated formulas or equations. Each graphic should remain on the screen for at least 20 seconds.
- Use the minimum number of words possible in titles, subtitles, and captions.
- Standard abbreviations are acceptable.